武汉 地产
Scarpe Ugg and create the practice and effectiveness
zcxqpihskpz 2013-11-22 12:22:35 扫码看帖   0 3832
Some academicians and experts to carry out technological innovation Jin collaborative action
Wang Jun met with academicians SONG Zhen Qi Zhong Tan Jianrong row WASHINGTON (Reporter Li has) 1 September afternoon, the Provincial Committee, Governor Wang Jun met in Taiyuan to the province to participate in "academicians and experts technological innovation collaborative action "The Chinese Academy of Engineering, Zhongshan, Tan Jianrong, Chinese Academy of Sciences SONG Zhen Qi and other 18 experts. Provincial leaders Li Zheng-wen, YANG Ann, Xiaochun Wei met together. Shanxi academicians, experts technological innovation collaborative action is in accordance with Chinese provincial CAST CAST arrangement, in conjunction with relevant units jointly organized by the province, the purpose is to establish academicians, experts and business cooperation and joint long-term mechanism innovation technology research mechanism through established academicians, experts workstation platform to promote academicians, experts and enterprises in the province long-term cooperation. After a preliminary investigation,Scarpe Ugg, and negotiate, this time to Jin academicians, experts have with the province too, Jin machine, with coal, large teeth,Billige Uggs, Xishan Coal and other five large state-owned enterprises 22 major technical problems for the project docking, In the Jin Dynasty period, will conduct site visits, seminars research, technology exchange, special report, docking project contract and other activities. Wang Jun on behalf of the provincial government for everybody academicians and experts to participate in technological innovation in Shanxi collaborative action and welcomed and thanked, and briefly describes the province's economic and social development and this year to address the financial crisis, to promote stable and rapid economic development initiatives, as well as scientific and technological work in our province and technological innovation and so on. He said that the provincial government has always attached great importance to scientific and technological development, the relevant departments, research institutes and enterprises have done a lot of work and achieved remarkable results. The face of the current international financial crisis, the province to accelerate scientific and technological progress and technological innovation as to overcome the crisis, an important measure to promote growth task, developed and implemented the "Regulations on science and technology play a supporting role, and promote stable and rapid economic development of opinions" policy measures to further strengthen work in this area. Members academicians, experts are critical of some of the key disciplines leader, this time to the province on structural adjustment, transformation and development, energy conservation, safety and other aspects of conducting research to help businesses solve technical issues such as innovation and product development , which enhance the capability of independent innovation, promote the restructuring and development of our province, security and harmonious development of important guiding significance. Wang Jun requirement for enterprises to take advantage of the opportunities for collaborative action, combined with the implementation of industrial restructuring and revitalization plan,ugg サンダル, carry out product upgrading and industrial development of joint research of key technologies, and constantly improve the capability of independent innovation. Departments should focus on collaboration, innovation, development theme, strengthen organization and coordination, improve security services, to ensure that this campaign is effective. Academicians and experts attended the meeting to thank the warm invitation and build the province's research cooperation platform, highly appreciated the province respect knowledge, respect talent, and create the practice and effectiveness, positive evaluation of the province rely on scientific and technological support, to address the financial crisis and promoting economic development work, which means that research projects and enterprises to further improve docking, close technical cooperation with enterprises in Shanxi, Shanxi fast economic and social development and make new contributions.
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